The Zen of Recovery

Good morning! Though I did not participate in Valentine’s day as most did, it was a nice gift to notice that two of my new books had arrived in the mail. That made me happy and sent me to work in good spirits. These books are The Zen of Recovery by Mel Ash and The Book of Floating by Michael Hutchison.

I started reading The Zen of Recovery this morning and though I only had time to read the intro, I love it already! I resonate with it and highly respect the fact that it points out that anyone can benefit from the book, even people with eating disorders and those who come from dysfunctional families. I am sure many of us can relate to this. I highly respect that Ash doesn’t claim that he has all the answers. Being humble is an honorable quality, and empowers people out of love instead of fear. It inspires people to learn for themselves.

I also love that Ash points out that we must not try too hard to learn becase we already know. He says we are already there. We just have to believe in ourselves and keep an open mind. Ash says we must keep  our sense of wonder and anticipation. In recovery this means the mind of the newcomer. After all, this is how we learn and grow. We are responsible for seeking our own salvation. We may look to others for guidance of course, but our progress is on us.

We must focus on our common sameness and not dwell on our differences. Ash said it well, that feeling different, or separate is a symptom of our human disease. Though we may be at a different points in our consciousness or our lives, we are all connected and can learn from each other. We are all mirrors to each other in unique ways. We just have to look closely.

Anyone can benefit from a book like this, whether you call yourself an addict or not. We are all human and can all improve, no one is exempt from growth. This book does not disqualify anyone. The only real difference between an addict and a “normal” person is that our human nature (our attachments and suffering) is magnified. 

I am looking forward to sharing more on this book. Have a lovely day friends πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œ

7 thoughts on “The Zen of Recovery

  1. I want to order it …like right now haha but I’ll wait a bit, – for your posts. I love this => “He says we are already there. We just have to believe in ourselves and keep an open mind”.. I think this is what we are missing – we ARE already THERE. So we keep running looking for that THERE* in all possible/impossible directions. But it is here, with us. Inside of us.
    I’ll wait for more! πŸ‘βœŒοΈ

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      1. Yes, true. Btw, I’m going to mention your blog on my other blog (on today…I think maybe some ppl will be interested to go and check your thoughts about those books and life..πŸ‘‹πŸ˜›β€οΈ hope it’s ok?

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